Do you find it difficult to ask for support with your vision?

It hasn’t been easy for me to ask for support in the past. But I’ve learned that it’s key to growing a vision. No one can do it all.

That’s what Angela Quisumbing (CEO + Event Strategist of Angela Grace Events) and I explored in this week’s Live. You’ll learn how to cultivate support for greater joy, abundance, and impact.


Angela believes every day and everyone is a reason to celebrate. At Angela Grace Events, she teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs and coaches how to grow their business and build a community of dreamy clients through the power of live (virtual events) and heart-centered marketing strategies.

Check out Angela’s free Event Planning Challenge Bundle! It includes the 7 Day Event Planning Challenge On-Demand, (1) 30 Minute Strategy Call, and the 6 Successful Event Foundations workbook.

p.s. Have you missed the other conversations in this FB Live series? Explore the other keys to GLOW below…