Do you remember a recent time when you had a vision, an insight, or a flash of inspiration that took your breath away?

So big, so bold, so bright that your heart started to beat faster at that glimpse of possibility.

And then in the next breath, you talked yourself out of making that leap of faith.

It’s too big… too bold. That will never work. I don’t know where to start. CAN I even do it?

Gotcha. Right there. Do you recognize that voice?

That’s your Small Self – your ego mind talking.

Feeling scared (maybe even terrified… I know that one well) at the possibility of failure.

Our Small Selves like to control us so life stays the same, safe and makes sense. (That last one is a joy killer, every time.)

That’s when I tenderly tell my ego, I see you. I get it. So, here’s what I remind myself then.

That idea, inspiration or vision did not come from YOU.

It’s not meant for you to DO.

It’s an invitation to reconnect with who you really ARE… to BE you. Not blindly or carelessly. But with full awareness and presence of these Truths:

You are a Master Creator.

You have the power to choose and create a new reality.

Your idea didn’t appear out of nowhere. It came through your Big Self, that part of you who is limitless and has your best interests at heart.

And here’s what else is important to know. Your Big Self has a powerful sponsor – the Universe.

As your sponsor, the Universe provides support and opens doors to new opportunities.

Your role is to show up to the possibilities by staying curious and open-minded… and to take baby steps with faith.

How do you know what those steps are and when to take them?

The key is to connect daily with your Big Self.

Take a walk in nature, sing, dance, paint or do whatever activity brings you JOY. As you uplift your energy, you connect more easily with your powerful wisdom, intuition, and vision.

In these uncertain times, it’s easy to talk ourselves out of these practices and get stuck in worry and self-doubt.

And yet, it’s never been more important to connect with your Big Self DAILY so you make your next leap of faith with joy and ease.

That’s when you rise up with clarity and are energized by what I call, “YES I WILL” energy.

Steps for Making Your Leap of Faith from Joy

Start today by taking these steps and journaling to these questions:

1. Honor the Glimmer of a New Idea, Vision or Inspiration
What idea, inspiration, or vision have you recently talked yourself out of believing is possible? What do you feel in your heart is your next leap of faith?
If you can’t think of a recent idea, set the intention over the next week to notice what inspiration comes to you.

2. Listen to (But Do NOT Believe) Your Small Self
What does your ego mind have to say? What are the doubts, fears, and “what if’s” that come up as you think about taking this leap of faith?

Write down the answers that comes to you without overthinking. Then say, “I hear you” and scribble over the writing, tear out the page from your journal or if you’re working digitally, delete the text.

3. Consistently Connect With Your Big Self
What joyful practices help you to connect with your Big Self?
Take some time each day (even 10 minutes) to do something that makes your heart happy.

4. Ask for AND Act on the Guidance You Receive
Ask your Big Self and write down the answers you hear, see, or feel:
What is my next step to take? When should I take it? How will I make it easy and joyful to take daily inspired actions?

If you’re guided to take action today, do it! If later, schedule that step in your calendar, ask a friend to be your accountability partner, and/or create a colorful visual plan of your next step and add to it.

Then, schedule these practices and actions in your calendar, find a buddy, and/or create a colorful visual plan that inspires you.

A friend once told me that FAITH stood for:
Higher Self

So, the next time you receive an idea or inspiration, don’t let your Small Self stop you.

Activate your Higher Self ‘s guidance so you can make your next leap of faith from JOY vs. fear. Harness the powerful support of the Universe that is waiting for your “YES I WILL” commitment!


p.s. Would you like support in making your next leap of FAITH? I invite you to sign up for my complimentary “Clear the Decks for an AMAZING 2023″ 30 min. intuitive session so you can discover the clarity your Big Self is eager to share with you.

Do you remember a recent time when you had a vision, an insight, or a flash of inspiration that took your breath away?

So big, so bold, so bright that your heart started to beat faster at that glimpse of possibility.

And then in the next breath, you talked yourself out of making that leap of faith.

It’s too big… too bold. That will never work. I don’t know where to start. CAN I even do it?

Gotcha. Right there. Do you recognize that voice?

That’s your Small Self – your ego mind talking.

Feeling scared (maybe even terrified… I know that one well) at the possibility of failure.

Our Small Selves like to control us so life stays the same, safe and makes sense. (That last one is a joy killer, every time.)

That’s when I tenderly tell my ego, I see you. I get it. So, here’s what I remind myself then.

That idea, inspiration or vision did not come from YOU.

It’s not meant for you to DO.

It’s an invitation to reconnect with who you really ARE… to BE you. Not blindly or carelessly. But with full awareness and presence of these Truths:

You are a Master Creator.

You have the power to choose and create a new reality.

Your idea didn’t appear out of nowhere. It came through your Big Self, that part of you who is limitless and has your best interests at heart.

And here’s what else is important to know. Your Big Self has a powerful sponsor – the Universe.

As your sponsor, the Universe provides support and opens doors to new opportunities.

Your role is to show up to the possibilities by staying curious and open-minded… and to take baby steps with faith.

How do you know what those steps are and when to take them?

The key is to connect daily with your Big Self.

Take a walk in nature, sing, dance, paint or do whatever activity brings you JOY. As you uplift your energy, you connect more easily with your powerful wisdom, intuition, and vision.

In these uncertain times, it’s easy to talk ourselves out of these practices and get stuck in worry and self-doubt.

And yet, it’s never been more important to connect with your Big Self DAILY so you make your next leap of faith with joy and ease.

That’s when you rise up with clarity and are energized by what I call, “YES I WILL” energy.

Steps for Making Your Leap of Faith from Joy

Start today by taking these steps and journaling to these questions:

1. Honor the Glimmer of a New Idea, Vision or Inspiration
What idea, inspiration, or vision have you recently talked yourself out of believing is possible? What do you feel in your heart is your next leap of faith?
If you can’t think of a recent idea, set the intention over the next week to notice what inspiration comes to you.

2. Listen to (But Do NOT Believe) Your Small Self
What does your ego mind have to say? What are the doubts, fears, and “what if’s” that come up as you think about taking this leap of faith?

Write down the answers that comes to you without overthinking. Then say, “I hear you” and scribble over the writing, tear up the page from your journal or if you’re working digitally, delete the text.

3. Consistently Connect With Your Big Self
What joyful practices help you to connect with your Big Self?
Take some time each day (even 10 minutes) to do something that makes your heart happy.

4. Ask for AND Act on the Guidance You Receive
Ask your Big Self and write down the answers you hear, see, or feel:
What is my next step to take? When should I take it? How will I make it easy and joyful to take daily inspired actions?

If you’re guided to take action today, do it! If later, schedule that step in your calendar, ask a friend to be your accountability partner,, and/or create a colorful visual plan of your next step and add to it.

My friend Ann Marie once told me that FAITH stood for:
Higher Self

So, the next time you receive an idea or inspiration, don’t let your Small Self stop you.

Activate your Higher Self ‘s guidance so you can make your next leap of faith from JOY. Harness the powerful support of the Universe that is waiting for your “YES I WILL” commitment!

p.s. Would you like support in making your next leap of FAITH? Sign up for my complimentary “Limiting Belief Be Gone! 30 min. intuitive session so you can move forward with clarity and ease.