Precious, Present Moment

Precious, Present Moment

“Precious, Present Moment” is about a drop of time that we get to experience only once. When the past and the future are often on our mind, how do we bring our full awareness to the present? By giving ourselves permission to simply be, in this...
Precious, Present Moment

Learning to Trust

“Learning to Trust” is what happens when faith meets courage. It’s about leaping… even though you’re not certain what’s on the other side. It’s about moving forward with a decision… even though you’re not 100%...
Precious, Present Moment

Dare to Innovate

“Dare to Innovate” is about the boldness and vision it takes to create something new.  Do you remember hearing, “Don’t color outside the lines” when you were young? As adults we have the power to challenge that belief and give ourselves...
Precious, Present Moment

Beyond Limits

“Beyond Limits” is what happens when we move outside our comfort zone into a fresh, new space. I call that place your Creativity Zone. It’s incredibly freeing AND can bring up other feelings as well. Uncertainty, self-doubt, and for most of us,...
Precious, Present Moment

Opening to Self-Love

“Opening to Self-Love” is about honoring the whole of you are in this moment. We often become so focused on becoming better version of ourselves that we forget to celebrate our essence. I always start my intuitive painting workshops with “It’s...
Precious, Present Moment

Nurturing Creativity

“Nurturing Creativity” is about tapping into the abundant flow of inspiration within. When we quiet our minds and go deep within, there are no limits to what we can create. That’s not always easy to go within. Yet, it is so very important to nurture...